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Rev. Sebastian Walshe, O.Praem. (’94)
Rev. Sebastian Walshe, O.Praem. (’94)


Continuing his ever-growing bibliography of theological works, alumnus priest Rev. Sebastian Walshe, O.Praem. (’94), has authored a new book, which hits the market today: .

Fr. Sebastian looks at the unique character of St. John the Baptist, a man of great spiritual strength, especially noting that he holds a prominent role in the profound prologue to the Gospel of John. “The fact that the Apostle John thought he could not tell the story of the Word made flesh without including the voice crying out in the wilderness reveals that the Gospel itself cannot be told without John the Baptist,” writes Fr. Sebastian in his prologue. “We cannot understand Jesus Christ fully without understanding John.”

Throughout the book, Fr. Sebastian studies the life of John the Baptist and the world he sought to convert. Despite the darkness and corruption spread by Hebrew leaders and the Roman Empire, John the Baptist shone a light to all people as he preached in the desert, proclaiming the coming of Christ to all and preparing the way for man’s salvation.

“In our own time, the priesthood is in crisis, yet we have no lack of heavenly intercession and protection,” he writes. “May St. John the Baptist once more turn the hearts of the fathers to their children so that the priesthood of Jesus Christ may flourish once again, pure and beautiful, in the Church and for the salvation of the world.”