The College offers a limited courier service to provide students with transportation to and from medical appointments, to pick up prescriptions, and for other necessities. This service can also be utilized for transportation to nearby train and bus stations, as well as for arranged group activities. All requests must be made a minimum of three business days in advance. The College is unable to provide courier services for students who are missing class for travel.
In California, courier services are limited to Ventura County. Couriers do not make runs to the Los Angeles or Burbank airports; students traveling by air may take a train or into Ventura County and request a courier pick up from there.
In New England, requests for airport service should be made at the front desk of St. Thomas More Hall. The fee during the academic year is $80 for Bradley Airport and $100 for Boston Logan. During the summer, the College can provide transportation to the airport for summer workers, subject to courier availability and to a fee ($40/person for Bradley, $50/person for Logan).