
The seniors of şÚÁϲ»´ňěČ, California, finished their last final exam on Wednesday, and after some afternoon celebrating — and probably a nap! — they convened in St. Joseph Commons for the annual President’s Dinner, the faculty’s chance to say goodbye, as the juniors, sophomores, and freshmen did earlier this month, to the Class of 2024.

After a social hour, guests took their seats, and dinner got started with an invocation from Head Chaplain Rev. Robert Marczewski. Then, over dessert and coffee, the evening’s speeches began. First up was Dr. Travis Cooper, assistant dean, who commended the senior prefects who have assisted him in his task of supervising student life: Steven Argo Jr., James Blewett, William Deering, Kayla Wang, and Anna van Wijk. Following Dr. Cooper was Dr. Michael Letteney, dean of the California campus, who shared his memories and personal anecdotes about the soon-to-be graduates.

The evening concluded with student toasts and a benediction from Chaplain Rev. Jorge Jesus Lopez. But first President Paul J. O’Reilly spoke to the seniors, congratulating them on their accomplishments and wishing them well in their future endeavors. 

“Over these past four years you have considered the proper beginnings of mathematics, the distinction between poetry and history, the principles and methods of the natural sciences, the beginning and order of natural philosophy, of ethics, and of politics, and the beginning and end of Theology,” Dr. O’Reilly said. “You have formed intellectual and moral habits. These habits are made secure by friendships of the best kind. And your efforts have been perfected with the sacramental life at TAC.”