All College

The video of a grief-stricken family singing the Regina Caeli before a statue of the Blessed Mother — which somehow survived the fire that destroyed the family’s Altadena, California, home of 37 years — has gone viral, inspiring millions by its profound display of faith. On Sunday, Fox News aired an with the couple featured in the video, who happen to be TAC parents Jackie and Peter Halpin, mother and father of Koert (’06).

“Our intention was not for this thing to go viral at all,” says Mr. Halpin. “It was pretty much just a family thing. But the response from the community has been unbelievable and so heartfelt.”

Adds Mrs. Halpin, “I thought, ‘We have to get up there. We have to thank God for the years that we had there.’ So that was my intention: We’re going to pray. We’re going to thank God that we’re safe.”

Thanks be to God! Please pray for the Halpins and for all the other victims of the fire.