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Wendy-Irene (Grimm ’99) Zepeda
Wendy-Irene (Grimm ’99) Zepeda

The current edition of features a lovely Gospel reflection from alumna Wendy-Irene (Grimm ’99) Zepeda, who likens the Nazoreans’ indifference to Jesus’ presence in their midst to our own proclivity to take the Holy Eucharist for granted. Writing on (Luke 4:24-30), Mrs. Zepeda notes that when “Our Lord reveals to His neighbors that the Messiah lives among them,” they respond by trying to throw Him over a cliff. “Their eyes aren’t open to the incredible fact that God has ripped open the curtain of time to live familiarly with them.”

How often do we fall prey to this same failure? “It was around this time last year that COVID-19 began depriving many of Mass, something we once took for granted, a bit like Jesus’ neighbors,” observes  Mrs. Zepeda, a homeschooling mother of six. “My heightened hunger for the Eucharist made me regret any time I didn’t fully appreciate that great gift.”

Perhaps this is one blessing of the pandemic, its tragedies, and the attendant social disruptions. “May He open our eyes to see what a miracle His closeness is,” writes Mrs. Zepeda, “and open our hearts to receive Him with joy.”