All College
Rev. Peter Mary, F.S.S.R. (Arden Mills ’08) offers his first Mass on September 25
Rev. Peter Mary, F.S.S.R. (Arden Mills ’08), offers his first Mass on September 25 (photo courtesy of Tommy Duffy ’08)

On September 24, the Feast of Our Lady of Mercy, Rev. Peter Mary, F.S.S.R. (Arden Mills ’08), became ϲ’s 79th alumnus priest — and the fifth to be ordained this year!

“Your ordination to the holy priesthood today is a consecration for your entire life to God,” said the Most Rev. Robert Finn, Bishop Emeritus of Kansas City-St. Joseph. “You will be a priest forever in the service of God and the Church.”

Fr. Peter Mary is a member of the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer, a religious order based in Scotland and New Zealand which just last year was invited to establish a monastery in the Diocese of Great Falls–Billings, Montana. Thus the newly ordained priest — a Montana native who has not lived in the state since coming to ϲ in 2004 — is enjoying a homecoming of sorts. He will pray and serve at the community’s Montana Rosa Mystica monastery in Forsyth, some 175 miles east of St. Leo the Great Church in Lewiston, where Saturday’s ordination took place.

Deo gratias!